New agroecology book in Italian

Agroecology: a viable agricultural path for a planet in crisis. It is now clear that humanity needs an alternative agricultural development paradigm, one that encourages more ecologically, biodiverse, resilient, sustainable and socially just forms of agriculture. The basis for this new systems are the myriad of ecologically based agricultural styles developed by over a billion smallholders, family farmers and indigenous people on hundreds of millions of small farms which currently produce most of the global agricultural output for domestic consumption largely without agrochemicals. Agroecology is this paradigm: a dialogue between traditional agricultural knowledge and modern agricultural science that uses ecological concepts and principles for designing and managing sustainable agroecosystems in which external inputs are replaced by natural processes such as natural soil fertility and biological control. This book explains why agroecology is the most robust food provisioning pathway for humanity to take in the twenty-first century under current and predicted and difficult climate, energy, financial and social scenarios.

Altieri M.A., Nicholls C.I., Ponti L., 2015. Agroecologia: una via percorribile per un pianeta in crisi. Edagricole, Bologna. 336 pp. | Get book from publisher


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