Seminar by A.P. Gutierrez, 16 June 2009

Physiologically Based Models for assessing Climate Change Effects on Mediterranean Agroecosystems
Rome, 16 June 2009 - ENEA CR Casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301 - Sala Mimose.

Celebrating 2009 World Day to Combat Desertification, June 17.


11,00 - Introduction
M. Iannetta, ENEA, Head of Combating Desertification Unit

11,15 - The Marie Curie "GlobalChangeBiology" European project
L. Ponti, ENEA, Principal investigator

11,40 - "Physiologically Based Models for assessing Climate Change Effects on Mediterranean Agroecosystems"
A. P. Gutierrez, University of California, Berkeley, Project collaborator


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