Course on open source geospatial software

The ENEA Technical Unit for Sustainable Development and Agro-industrial Innovation (UTAGRI) organized a course on "Using open source software for remote sensing and GIS applications" sponsored by the GlobalChangeBiology project and taught by Dr. Markus Neteler, head of the GIS and Remote Sensing Unit at Fondazione Edmund Mach (Trento, Italy). The course was held at the ENEA Casaccia Research Center and spanned two days of intensive work (17-18 January 2012). After an introduction to open source GIS, the course moved to practical issues such as software installation, data import and a simple analysis. The remote sensing part started with a review of available data sets, followed by an overview on data import and processing (analysis of time series and classification). Database management was also covered with a focus on SQL, which introduced vector data editing. Last, the GRASS-R interface was illustrated. Even though the course was targeted to ENEA researchers, it attracted interest from and was attended by several researchers working in other national research centers such as CNR and CRA.


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